Our Arizona Projects
The Arizona Projects are located within the Laramide Arc which is host to a number of porphyry mines and between the Mineral Park Mine, (approximately 20 miles to the northwest), and the Bagdad Mine (approximately 45 miles to the southeast and, owned by Freeport McMoRan (FMX-NYSE). Direct geological and mineral deposit characteristics described at both these mines are readily evident within Pershing Resources Arizona Projects. This includes a number of surface bedrock outcroppings of Cu, Au, and Mo mineralization in association with a porphyry hydrothermal alteration system. Limited previous exploration work did not appear to have taken into consideration the covering of a porphyry Cu and Au mineral resource by a lithocap or colluvium, nor the consideration of a potentially upward migrating and overprinting higher temperature alteration and mineralization system.
Summary map illustrating the position of the New Enterprise Project between the Mineral Park and Bagdad Porphyry Cu-Mo mines within the Laramide Arc. The formation of the Laramide arc is directly related to the porphyry deposits that produce approximately 65% of the copper within United States.